Air Conditioning

/Tag: Air Conditioning

Washington DC AC Repair Tip: What to Do About Cool Spots

Sitting on your couch watching TV should be an enjoyable experience, especially after a long day at the office. But, if your Washington DC air conditioner deposits an abnormally high volume of cold air directly onto your couch...

Washington DC AC Repair Tip: What to Do About Cool Spots2016-05-13T01:04:41+00:00

Air Conditioning Repair in Gaithersburg, MD: My AC Freezes Up

While the sight of frost during the Gaithersburg, MD summer may be welcome surprise to most homeowners, if your AC freezes up, it can significantly reduce energy efficiency and possibly shut down your system. Because of the use that your AC...

Air Conditioning Repair in Gaithersburg, MD: My AC Freezes Up2016-05-09T01:53:17+00:00

Air Conditioning Repair in Alexandria, VA: My AC Won’t Start Up

There are a number of different air conditioning problems that are fairly common. Probably the most frequent issue that leads homeowners to contact their air conditioning repair company is an AC that won’t start up. On a hot summer day...

Air Conditioning Repair in Alexandria, VA: My AC Won’t Start Up2016-05-09T01:53:45+00:00

Strange Noises from Your Air Conditioning in Washington

Homeowners throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC area depend on their air conditioning systems all summer long to provide high quality cooling performance and energy efficiency. One of the most important aspects of having an AC system...

Strange Noises from Your Air Conditioning in Washington2016-05-09T01:54:25+00:00

Annandale AC Question: Why Are Cleans Filters So Important to AC Efficiency?

Your Annandale air conditioner costs money to operate – even more when it doesn't work at 100% efficiency. So, it is important to perform the various regular maintenance tasks that ensure the system uses as little electricity as possible.

Annandale AC Question: Why Are Cleans Filters So Important to AC Efficiency?2012-08-20T08:00:17+00:00

Air Conditioning Question from Gaithersburg: What is R410A?

If you’ve recently started researching a new air conditioner for your Gaithersburg home, you may have run across “R410A” – a newer form of refrigerant increasingly being used in high end air conditioning equipment. What is R410A...

Air Conditioning Question from Gaithersburg: What is R410A?2012-05-14T08:00:49+00:00

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Finding an Ozone Friendly Air Conditioner

We've heard about ozone depletion for almost 20 years as a major problem caused by a variety of chemicals we use almost every day. Propellants in aerosols, certain cleaning materials and the refrigerant in your Washington DC air conditioning system...

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Finding an Ozone Friendly Air Conditioner2012-04-02T08:00:22+00:00