Air Conditioning

/Air Conditioning

Bethesda Air Conditioning Tip: What Professional AC Maintenance Includes

Besides the cool air, what we like most about our Bethesda air conditioning systems is that we don't have to do anything to still live in a cool climate when it's boiling outside. With programmed thermostats adjusting the temperatures automatically...

Bethesda Air Conditioning Tip: What Professional AC Maintenance Includes2018-12-15T15:13:32+00:00

Air Conditioning Question from Gaithersburg: What is R410A?

If you’ve recently started researching a new air conditioner for your Gaithersburg home, you may have run across “R410A” – a newer form of refrigerant increasingly being used in high end air conditioning equipment. What is R410A...

Air Conditioning Question from Gaithersburg: What is R410A?2012-05-14T08:00:49+00:00

Washington D.C. Air Conditioning Guide: Indoor Air Conditioning Components

Air conditioning is a modern convenience that we can easily take for granted as long as all the parts are working well. In every unit, no matter the size, the basic process is one of extracting heat from the conditioned space and moving it...

Washington D.C. Air Conditioning Guide: Indoor Air Conditioning Components2012-04-23T08:00:19+00:00

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Finding an Ozone Friendly Air Conditioner

We've heard about ozone depletion for almost 20 years as a major problem caused by a variety of chemicals we use almost every day. Propellants in aerosols, certain cleaning materials and the refrigerant in your Washington DC air conditioning system...

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Finding an Ozone Friendly Air Conditioner2012-04-02T08:00:22+00:00