Plumbing Repair

/Tag: Plumbing Repair

Common Causes of Plumbing Backups in Arlington

Do you have a backup in the plumbing system of your Arlington home? Call the plumbers at Service Doctors before you do anything else. A lot of DIY fixes are temporary, and a professional plumber will be able to determine if there are larger issues.

Common Causes of Plumbing Backups in Arlington2012-12-03T10:00:34+00:00

Washington D.C. Plumbing Guide: Calculating Water Usage and Tips to Conserve Water

How much water do we actually use every day? Much research has been done on this subject, and by calculating water usage it is seen that on average, an American household of four uses 400 gallons of water per day of direct indoor water use...

Washington D.C. Plumbing Guide: Calculating Water Usage and Tips to Conserve Water2018-12-15T15:13:31+00:00

Gaithersburg Plumber’s Tip: Troubleshooting Plumbing Problems

Plumbing may seem like a complex mystery, but some common plumbing problems you can investigate yourself before calling in a Gaithersburg plumber. Whether it's a slow drain, a backed up drain, strange gurgling sounds emanating from a drain or unexplained wet spots...

Gaithersburg Plumber’s Tip: Troubleshooting Plumbing Problems2012-05-29T08:30:42+00:00

Bethesda Plumbing Tip: How to Plunge a Clogged Drain

It is almost inevitable that you will have to deal with a plugged drain somewhere in your Bethesda plumbing at some point. This drain may be in the bathtub, a sink or a toilet. But wherever it is, a plunger is usually your best bet for getting it out.

Bethesda Plumbing Tip: How to Plunge a Clogged Drain2018-12-15T15:13:32+00:00